Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Here's a picture of Cocolalla Lake and that little red circle is just about where I live...of course it's covered in a blanket of snow right now.

Hubby and I are all set for the snow. Just ordered these snowshoes for hubby today, hopefully, they'll come before the snow melt...with that and if I can make it up in two weeks I'll be happy as a clam. Got a big 30% off from an eBay store. Tubbs must be coming out with a whole new look after being bought out by Atlas...or maybe Tubbs bought Atlas? Oh heck, we need poles.....

Last I heard there was a foot of snow the last 24 hours, which cracks me up cuz everyone thought it was the beginning of the melt off (aka: MUD SEASON). I'd rather fall on my arse in the icy snow than slip in the clay mud. One is a harder landing but the mud gets is nasty and sticks on everything.


James Higham said...

Now that is something else again.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Lovely pic of the area and I didn't know that's what a snow shoe looks like!!