Thursday, April 20, 2006

What's Bloomin ?

The hubby calls me today ands tells me my flowers are blooming around the pond. The crocus have been up for a week peeking through the remenants of snow and the daffodils are ready to unfold. Local moose have already done damage to the not so lucky bulbs underfoot. But best of all rain today.

I wanted to share some info on my best growing flowers and plants up here in Cocolalla. One is a pricey little flower called Cape Daisy in Nasinga Pink. It has the best blooming span of all my flowers and the deer won't eat them either. Next would be my collection of Chickens n Hens. I was surprised by their ability to make it thought the freezing winters and occasional hot summer days and still have beautiful flower displays. I would have to say that my masses of daffodils are the real show stoppers of all the flowers. I also planted peonies last year and hope they all made it through the winter as well as the mass plantings of what I term "ditch lilies" along the driveway.

So as soon as I get back up to Cocolalla on Wednesday I will add some pictures to the site.

By the way the Grandbaby is not here yet.

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Peeps or Bunnies?

Well, this picture just cracks me up. I decided to go with peeps this year instead of chocolate Bunnies for the table dressing. Chocolate, it appears, is too tempting BUT I'm not a fan of Peeps. Also, I can watch the big kids do weird things with the peeps, like have peep wars and tear heads off and that sort of nonsense. Probably similar to the bunnie pictures on here.

I'm picking up the hubby today in san Jose. I'm getting to know the airport all too well. The weather is dreary, rainey just not Easter weather. You know, the happy, sunny, spring flower day it should be, right?

Well, I must get back to smashing potatoes. I'm the designated cook for the holiday. So, Happy Easter!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Middle East Deployment.....ACK!

My oldest son, Bobby, will be deploying to the United Arab Emeritus in May. Thankfully, he is a pilot in a KC-10 fueler...What that means, according to Bob, is that all the fighter planes will protect his plane since he's their gas station in the sky. (Note: this is being said in my words as Bobby gave me a 20 minute detailed, indepth over my head techical reasons he should be safe.) Fuel is sucked up at an alarming rate so they know where he is at all times, plus he says he flies so high he would be considered a low priority target. ...Lets only hope.

Could I talk him into using his Aerospace Engineering degree to work at... Let's say NASA? "Oh no, that's too boring Mom!" I knew the plan long ago.

Bobby wanted to be a pilot from the time he was three. His Dad, Grandpa and most all the folks on that side of the family are pilots. Planes have been in his life from day one(see the little picture) Grandpa and Uncle George (both were USAF pilots, too) they also fly Formula One's (the itty bitty planes) in the National Air Races. So yes, I used go with the family to do the Air Race circuit all over the US. Since I haven't been married to his Dad for over 20 years I no longer follow the sport. I saw more Lomschavags (sp?) than the you can imagine. That's an aerobatic maneuver called "headache" in Russian.

I won't see my son until he returns in July...I already miss him.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Who took my body?

Today is my first day off after my six day rotation at work. I have cleaned my house, washed my windows, hosed off the porch and mowed the lawn. I'm poodered out and out of shape, how did that happen? I supose it doesn't take but a few burgers and fries.

Work is no help either. I walk a lot but that isn't much exercise when it's only 20 feet at a time. I'm an RN and work in the ICU in CA. It's very rural setting, much like Bonner General, but the pay is twice as much. The work load is hit and miss, feast or famine, or just plain S_L_O_W... Thanks to the CNA union we can refuse to be put "on call." So we just sit and help do what's needed or we can volunteer and go home with out pay- now, who wants to do that? They can cancel us and we have the option to take "PTO" pay (paid time off) but, I'm greedy and like to bank my hours just in case of a family emergency. Now, you ask why would I work in California and have a home in Idaho? Easy. Twice the pay, job security, insurnace, I can afford to contribute to my 401K and every other week I go to Idaho and leave the rat race behind....but.....

This week I'm staying in Morgan Hill taking care of my folks and hubby is coming down for his Grandmas funeral. (Good, he has to come down and suffer with me, ha ha.) He can barely stand to leave the ranch and I don't blame him. Oh, cripe I gotta go finish the edging on the lawn..............

Sunday, April 2, 2006

April Fools !

Today was the best! I woke up feeling kinda depressed it would be another gloomy day. Muck at my door step so that meant I wasn't going to venture outside too much. So, what to do, what to do? I end up helping hubby renovate the wall that will hold the railing in the stairwell. Excitement beyond comparison I tell ya. Then what do I see... SNOW ! Yeaha! I love the snow.
OK, now I'm really excited....! That's all.