Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Local Delights...

Well, good grief, thought I'd never make it back to Idaho. I just missed the big snow but on my second day here we got about three to four inches of the white stuff. Much to my surprise I even saw a Northern Lights display in the sky. I didn't know what it was and kept telling the hubby "look, those mountains have a pink cast shining on them". After talking with my astronomy buff friend, Vonne, she said I was seeing the Northern Lights. She also mentioned the lunar eclipse is coming on Wednesday.
Here's the Northern Lights

While up at the ranch my neighbor left me her Atlas snow shoes to try out, they're also a pair I debated on getting this year but waited to long to find anything available in the stores...But, I'm in luck, eBay has them for only $105.00.
Here I am modeling Anne's snowshoes,lol.

And for my last local delight are the ice fishers on Cocolalla Lake below us. This picture was taken on my way into town a few days back. Ice fishing scares the beegeebers outta me, I would never do that...ever.


MarmiteToasty said...

Oh my goodness, I just cant imagine snow like that....... ok, well I still love snow, but maybe not so much if I had to live with it like that for months lol


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Great pics as always, pink, especially the one of the Northern lights. [I wouldn't have known I was seeing them, either!]