Here's the Northern Lights
While up at the ranch my neighbor left me her Atlas snow shoes to try out, they're also a pair I debated on getting this year but waited to long to find anything available in the stores...But, I'm in luck, eBay has them for only $105.00.
Here I am modeling Anne's snowshoes,lol.
And for my last local delight are the ice fishers on Cocolalla Lake below us. This picture was taken on my way into town a few days back. Ice fishing scares the beegeebers outta me, I would never do that...ever.
Oh my goodness, I just cant imagine snow like that....... ok, well I still love snow, but maybe not so much if I had to live with it like that for months lol
Great pics as always, pink, especially the one of the Northern lights. [I wouldn't have known I was seeing them, either!]
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