Sunday, January 6, 2008


Well, I spoke too soon. The power went out last night at 9:15. Ah, but I had my candles and matches were ready to go. The forced mood lighting was actually quite relaxing so I slipped off bed early... only to wake at 4:00am with lights blaring that I forgot to turn off.

This is the orchard before the second storm hit...well back to watching online news clips of the debate last night.


MarmiteToasty said...

OK :) I see its much better over here lol

Ya orchard looks a tad flooded :).... sometimes here I think we need to build an ark just to keep dry.... we sometimes have powerfuls and I LOVE lighting the house by candlelight...... and yep, done the LEAVE ALL THE LIGHTS on so that when the power comes back on ya think there is a 'raid' going on :)


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Are you OK there now?