So now I will start over. And Wordtosser, I will get in touch with you next time I'm up. I fell down my stairs last week and was a bit outta sorts, more like my ego was crushed as I've never had that happen. Also, I have dial up in Cocolalla and just was in a foul mood at the 26K connection that kept dropping. I have cable down south ;) and I'm just spoiled I guess?
I contacted the Idaho satellite company in Sandpoint to get hooked up only to find out that the transponder on the satellite that serves this area is full and I have to be put on a waiting list. I guess it will be a Christmas present to myself since it won't be available till then.
What really prompted me to contact the satellite company was the fact that the new Sandpoint telephone book has their number printed in the yellow pages and it looks extremely similar to ours so we have been getting scads of calls for them. I finally called them up and told them the problem and that I would put a recording on our phone to redirect their calls back to them. Of course I just had to ask.....and now I'm patiently waiting for my satellite connection (not).
Hey did ya see the headless horseman picture in, he was the guy riding around Bonner Mall. It was such a treat to see ! I ran over with a bunch of other people and snapped a picture for the paper.
I'm flying in on Turkey Day, can't wait.
Finally... you are posting... I sure hope you are back for a while for Thanksgiving, as we are trading place I guess... lol.. Tuesday night before Thanksgiving we are heading to Sea-Tac for our son to pick us up. We are going to be in Olympia for 5 days. So please tell me you will be after
Terrific picture of the headless horseman. I forgot about that site.. they had some neat pictures. I surely thought yours was better than the apples...but oh, well.. eye of the beholder thing.
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