Whilst...I love that word, a word I've never used until today. It sounds so proper..and if you know me... proper I'm not...well, only if it's absolutely necessary.
I've always had fear of being labeled as a snob or just screwing up with the pronunciation or meaning of words, you know those "BIG" words....Plus, my Dad could never pronounce words like aluminum and four syllables were torture for him. I always felt his pain and I think that stemmed from his speaking Sicilian and English as a child and then being torn out of school by his crappy brother to work on the family ranch. He had such a bright future, well liked and class president in his junior year...but he was never able to graduate. His brother even pulled a few strings with someone on the Air force enlistment board to pull him out due to family issues...the issue...his brother needed some slave labor.
I think my issues with language was a crappy education and partly familial...is that possible? I never learned correct sentence structure or I just wasn't paying attention. Ya think? Sure we knew the noun, pronoun, adj, subject, verbs but not the rules of structure. And what the hell was a dangling participle? Ok, I've now broken down and currently reading this site...
Guide to Grammar and Style. Help is on the way but at my age I hope I can retain half of it.
I subscribe to Websters Online dictionary, "word of the day". How exciting is that? Some words I already know, some I'd never use. At least it's not spam.
Ok..now it time to go pack the bags for my trip to Idaho in the morning... Yippee!