Thursday, November 30, 2006

Yes, it's snowing!

Snow ! I love it ! This is a picture of a a little trail just off the main road where I live. The sun was shining though the trees but it seems I did not capture that very well. Looks rather gloomy in fact... Humm, back to the book for me.

On Monday Dear Hubby drove me back to Spokane airport at 4:45 am in a blizzard. I was on my way to Seattle for three days to see my Grand baby. Near Silverwood the road was almost impossible to see, we drove by center line braille and left side berms. The jerk behind us was tailgating and had his lights on high beam, some think more is better.. arrrggghhh!

During our ride we saw a red car off the road down in the ditch on 95 in Chilco. I tried being a good Samaritan and called the Bonner Sheriff Dispatch, what a joke.. They asked if I pulled over and I said nooo, it's snowing too bad and the guy behind us has his lights on bright and riding our bumper-not safe and we didn't see him until we were 10 feet away, that's how bad it was. They told me to call Kootenai dispatch and after telling them I don't know the number they decided to connect me. What? Isn't that their job? So the dispatcher finally transfers me and no one comes on the line. After 5 minutes I call back Bonner dispatch and she said they were suppose to call me back on my cell but they didn't. Go figure. She said Kootenai dispatch was alerted so I felt a little better. Hubby said the car was gone on his trip back.

This reminds me of this last summer when I reported a fire to Bonner Dispatch up the mountain behind Round Lake. They couldn't find it...hello? After sending out a truck and calling me back they still couldn't find it. See the big plume of smoke in the middle of the green forest? I guess others reported it also and finally some local land owners went up the trail and put it out. Hummm wonder how it started in the middle of the day in the first place...

I just love to look out the window at's why:
Covers all the weeds.
I can anticipate my seed catalogs in a few months.
I fair better in snow than rain...old bones.
Ah, No mud!!!
My hubby is a good snow shoveler and loves his Bobcat.
I feel like I'm on vacation.

Oh and Seattle, it snowed there, too ! Yippee, thankfully I rented a 4WD.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

O. J. Simpson...what an AR&E


Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Ho Hum Day

Nothing horribly exciting to post about today. I was called in to work tonight so that basically ruins my afternoon. I must take at least a four hour nap prior to working the night shift when I'm called in less than 24 hours. I love night shift but my body hates it. It's the only way I can work six nights on and have eight days off and go back home to Idaho. I've gained weight and that in it's self is my fault. One of the MD's told us night shifters that we would have a shorter life span and tend to get more cancers-good grief, such wonderful statistics !

Why don't I work days....list too long. Shh...if you're a night nurse you know why.

I need to find a counter I can post in my profile for days left to retire.

OK, off to grab a Starbucks...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What's in a Name

For those of you who don't know me, ha ha that would be just about everyone, the name Scheenkonigin means Snow Queen. I believe the spelling is German and here's the wierd part. I'm not German, not a smidge.

I'm Azorian and Sicilian, which translates to me that I'm an island girl. You know the kind, Mediterranean tan, thick brown hair, slender......hey, it was good for me.

So back to why the blog name? A fluke? A whim? At first I wanted to use SNOQUEEN but decided someone might associate me with the "Evil Snow Queen." No comment......hah! Schneekonigin was just different I suppose.

I took a picture of the train while on the Long Bridge into Sandpoint last week. Actually, I have many pictures of the train crossing on the bridge. I'm not photogenic and thought the train was much more interesting to look at that why it's in my profile :) I swear every time I cross the bridge there is a train. But considering how many trains there are, like 80+ a day, I guess the odds are in my favor.

Hey, I can't wait for the Holiday traffic in town, how about you?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Idaho Blogger Stress

Well....for the last few weeks I have been stressed over my recent post and deletion (finally) of the slide show containing pictures of family, friends and the surrounding areas in Idaho. It took me one hour to figure where the html code was in the template. The reason I'm so bent outta shape is because I used to teach computer programing (basic language) back in the day when the Apple II was hot stuff. Now, it's archaic and so am I !! I was going into the template to remove it like the site said, but all I had to do was delete the post---ARRRGGGGHH...

So now I will start over. And Wordtosser, I will get in touch with you next time I'm up. I fell down my stairs last week and was a bit outta sorts, more like my ego was crushed as I've never had that happen. Also, I have dial up in Cocolalla and just was in a foul mood at the 26K connection that kept dropping. I have cable down south ;) and I'm just spoiled I guess?

I contacted the Idaho satellite company in Sandpoint to get hooked up only to find out that the transponder on the satellite that serves this area is full and I have to be put on a waiting list. I guess it will be a Christmas present to myself since it won't be available till then.

What really prompted me to contact the satellite company was the fact that the new Sandpoint telephone book has their number printed in the yellow pages and it looks extremely similar to ours so we have been getting scads of calls for them. I finally called them up and told them the problem and that I would put a recording on our phone to redirect their calls back to them. Of course I just had to ask.....and now I'm patiently waiting for my satellite connection (not).

Hey did ya see the headless horseman picture in, he was the guy riding around Bonner Mall. It was such a treat to see ! I ran over with a bunch of other people and snapped a picture for the paper.

I'm flying in on Turkey Day, can't wait.