Thursday, April 13, 2006

Who took my body?

Today is my first day off after my six day rotation at work. I have cleaned my house, washed my windows, hosed off the porch and mowed the lawn. I'm poodered out and out of shape, how did that happen? I supose it doesn't take but a few burgers and fries.

Work is no help either. I walk a lot but that isn't much exercise when it's only 20 feet at a time. I'm an RN and work in the ICU in CA. It's very rural setting, much like Bonner General, but the pay is twice as much. The work load is hit and miss, feast or famine, or just plain S_L_O_W... Thanks to the CNA union we can refuse to be put "on call." So we just sit and help do what's needed or we can volunteer and go home with out pay- now, who wants to do that? They can cancel us and we have the option to take "PTO" pay (paid time off) but, I'm greedy and like to bank my hours just in case of a family emergency. Now, you ask why would I work in California and have a home in Idaho? Easy. Twice the pay, job security, insurnace, I can afford to contribute to my 401K and every other week I go to Idaho and leave the rat race behind....but.....

This week I'm staying in Morgan Hill taking care of my folks and hubby is coming down for his Grandmas funeral. (Good, he has to come down and suffer with me, ha ha.) He can barely stand to leave the ranch and I don't blame him. Oh, cripe I gotta go finish the edging on the lawn..............


Word Tosser said...

Hello, Pinkacorn.... welcome to blog land. While you are travelling around you can go to my site and look on the side for links. Idaho Nature's Trail has lots of our area pictures to keep you feeling better about up here in Bonner County, until you get home.
Also check out Slight Detour. Marrianne Love, retired Sandpoint teacher. Also her husband has a hobby in common with you. The geo thing.
Sorry this is long, but you didn't have an email listed.
Going to come back and check on your posting. You have a very nice blog here. And thanks for checking in on mine.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Hi and welcome from another N. Idaho blogger......I am a friend of Cis.....