Saturday, July 26, 2008

Bumps and Grinds

Hubby's on the left. (the before picture)

Well...DH and his buddy went out riding when I was up in Cocolalla this last week...the mare is about 3 years old and has only been out a few time so guess what's coming...
You guessed it. A big fall. Len took a header off Torri after our neighbors horses saw them riding down the trail and decided to run full bore and scare the jeebers out of Torri. Torri being a bit squeamish bucked, and even though Len was holding on one of the worst things happened...his rein broke. So, no control means no go. His riding buddy saw her buck four times and then down he went. He ended up with a concussion and a three inch laceration to the back of his head. A trip to the ER and five stitches later he's home. How he's experiencing all the sore muscles and the black and blue marks are quite prominent along with the road rash...

1 comment:

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Oh, dear! Hope all is well by now...