Monday, August 20, 2007

Here in Idaho....

It's rude is that. I do have to say it is much needed with all the forest fires here and in Montana blowing smoke up this way.

No pictures for this post as my Cannon software is not working. I did have some great pics of Sandpoint and the Cocolalla valley and lake from the top of our property, too. Dang. All I have is my wildlife camera and I think I've seen enough deer and bear pictures for a while. Maybe if a moose shows up I'll post that. Ok I'm gonna post one more picture of a deer and the turkeys together, that's a new one.

You know, sometimes I get creeped out walking around the ranch alone. Ah, yes...the imagination of running into a mother bear or crazy moose just frightens the pants off me. I'm always looking in the dirt for foot prints and listening for rumbling in the brush. I know the horses would start snorting and prancing around and dogs would be barking but I know that doesn't scare the moose...not sure about the bear though.


James Higham said...

What a world you're describing matter of factly here but for us it's so exotic.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

That's a wonderful picture. Like James, I feel this world is very exotic - so keep posting, pink!