Saturday, June 30, 2007

My Second Life

Today I visited Second Life (SL), a virtual reality site. Like I need any more reality. I have been reading the "Sicily Scene" blog and the author was nominated for a BlogPower Award. Another blogger set up a room in SL to have the awards presentation. Once you register you can choose your wardrobe, among other things. So any-hoo, the first thing I do is change my clothes because, to me, I look like a slut. The choices I had weren't much better, but hey, it must have been good for someone as this guy walked up and asked if he could kiss me. I said , "NO", I must ask Uncle Guido first. He left on his way. What I did find out later on is that you can change your appearance to male or female but you are stuck with the same name. I was wondering why some participants had these nondescript names.....

So that is about all that's new here.


jmb said...

I didn't like my SL name ( my first choice was taken and I messed up the alternative) so I went back and re-registered using another email address and voila, a new name.
I came across from nourishing obscurity or whatever o word he's using today.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Pink. I'm so sorry I didn't see you in SL!