Tuesday, September 26, 2006

She's back...

I've taken a short hiatus for some reason or other. I must confess it was my funky computer. I decided to stop being cheap and go buy a new one, nothing fancy but it does the job. This one actually has speakers. Yes, I was living in the ice age...

The old ranch is still in a state of change. The newest element is the hunting condo at the top of the mountain, actually it's an elaborate camo hunting stand..a two seater with swivel seats and surround viewing turret. Hopefully, this one won't get stolen like our other one seater did last hunting season. Some jerk actually unscrewed all the bolts, bundled it up and laid it in the forest to pick up later on, possibly in an ATV. We foiled his plans by using our eagle eye tracking skills then posted a "Keep Out" sign...Yeah, like that's going to work.

I see the Bonner County assessment dilemma is continuing to disgruntle most folks. Who can blame them, even this old place is assessed at five times what I bought it for. Do you ever wonder if the real estate companies and insurance companies have a little monopoly going on and the Chamber is stirring the pot? Why, you ask? My home owners insurance guy says you have to insure your place for what it's worth? Humm, Ok that would triple what I pay now. Between that, property tax and mortgage, general up keep your other regular bills and food I can't afford to retire! What kind of bunk is that? (What is Blog without a RANT anyway, ha !)

On a happy note my son, Bobby, is back from the Middle East! He and his honey are coming out to visit this week. Life is good again....

1 comment:

Word Tosser said...

Good to have you back posting again... Pictures are wonderful.
And praises that your son is back safe and sound.