Friday, January 30, 2009

Genealogy stuff....

For my relations that actually read my blog....are you there? They're afraid to post comments...I know because they slip and ask me about something on my blog now and then. Ha.

So anyhoo.... I write to this lady in Minnesota researching families from Trabia, Sicily and she finds my father's grand parents and their parents in the LDS records ! Mind you...I paid a genealogist from Italy 300 UDS to find my grandparents...this lady did it out of the kindness of her heart. So now I know I came from the Vallelunga, Sunseri, Teresi and Spitaleri's lines...and about ten more but I won't bore ya with all that.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Where's that Stud ?

Ok, where were you...before...I put two holes in the wall...I can usually find them, studs that is, by tapping the wall ( I can find the other kind, too!) but I guess I'm gettin a bit rusty. So now I've gone out and purchased a $20.00 plasticy gizmo to put up a $20.00 shelf...

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Silver Spoon

I ordered this cookbook, The Silver Spoon, through ebay...brand new for less than 29 smackeroonies.

While it's not very appealing to the eye it does contain some interesting recipes.
It also has recipes and menus from some famous chefs...although I only recognized two! Yea, I'm not that worldly I guess. But... they were on Iron chef I might recognise them!

What it lacked was maybe, just maybe the heck you're suppose to buy all this specialized ingredients...bergamot sprigs? I've heard of bergamot lotion and scrubs (which I actually have) but I've never seen it in a store. Jewish artichoke..well, I live 20 minutes from the artichoke capitol in Wastsonville, CA and I've never seen a Jewish artichoke! Italian flour 00...even my Italian Catholic Federation friends didn't know where to purchase these ingredients...and they would know.

Tagiatelline! What is that? Pasta? It doesn't explain much in this book..not for a novice I guess...maybe the next edition?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Three Guesses

First two guesses don't count if you've been reading my posts....

Yes, it's Limoncello in a vintage glass from Len's mom...none of his family wanted these old etched glasses so I snagged em. Their loss... as you can see I'll put them to good use!

Sorry for the blurry's my second glass...nummy!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

KC 10

This is the plane my son has been flying for the USAF. Now he's being transfered to Laughlin AFB in Texas! His next assignment is to be an instructor in the AT6...I don't have a picture of that plane but... as soon as my son calls me (hint-hint- Bob) I will post one.

So I've been working this past week, er, shall I say supposed to be at working. Usually, in the middle of winter the unit I work in is almost full...the last few days there's been just one patient or none! I'm on call tonight until 11pm...OH, please let me stay home......two more hours to go...

What's up?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pictures from Cocolalla

These are a few pictures from today....I was planning on snow shoeing but the roof on the rental needed shoveling...nothing like a little exercise, one way or another.
The first picture is our snow capped corrals.
The horse is one of our quarter horses, Shine. I think I was annoying him by whistling and calling his name so he'd look my way. It was the sideways look of disgust.
The last view is from the roof with Cocolalla Lake below..yep frozen over.
The temp this morning was ZERO degrees, burrry cold, but right now it a whopping 17, whee hoo!

Forums in Sandpoint...

So I decided to ask a question in the Sandpoint online forum about horses and open range...The conversation was pretty interesting until..."someone" had to defend himself about his claim against the railroad... his horse got out and ended up on the tracks and ta-da bye-bye horse. Train won. He was reimbursed for the horse....what's wrong with this picture???? Ah, yes...the old laws still in place that people take advantage of instead of being responsible for keeping their horse fences secure.

Well now, after my last response which was an "enough is enough" of this little debate the "someone" had to put in his last 2 cents...I didn't check the postings until last night and noticed the whole debate was deleted! Ha, I think, just maybe, another poster (again) chimed in on my defense of these old laws and "someone" was pissed.

You know the old saying (which is not law but still appropriate today)....
if you can't take the heat get outta the kitchen...

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year from Idaho !

Snow on the forecast ! Yippee !

Gone for the winter......