Monday, January 2, 2006

Who am I ?

What to write, what to write... I live in north Idaho near Sandpoint and there I am married. Most of the time I spend renovating our cabin and checking out the surrounding countryside. (That's hubby on the pond deck (minature wharf,haha) in the picture.

Life is good and today I will just kick back and walk around the property and try not to be scared of running into large animals. Last week we were riding around on the ATV and there was Miss Moose 20 yards away, we all froze. I screamed of course. I made the hubby back down and take another route up to the top, thankfully MM didn't charge us, whew. At first I thought she was laying down with a baby next to her but then she stood up and that "baby" was her butt! She was huge and she had no calf after all.

A few days later we saw another Momma Moose and her twins at the pond. They were so pituresque so we took about 5 pictures until they became annoyed and left. The next day we found they had eaten all the bark wround our newly planted golden weeping willow. Now we wait till spring to see if it survives...

We are orginally from California but our little town was no longer "ours." The construction took over and now there is nary an orchard. I hope this doesn't happen to Cocolalla or Sandpoint but I have my fears. We are lucky to have wonderful neighbors and friends and hope to make more!

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